Triforce Productions

Indie Films, Fan Projects, and More!

Current Projects

We are currently working on:

Project Updates

Super Smash Bros. in Real Life

Costumes for the Tetris piece and Wario are currently being made. Wario will be played by Chad Stone.

Luigi's Mansion

We are preparing for filming, aiming for a Halloween release!

Blog Section

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Updates on Our Projects: Luigi's Mansion and Super Smash Bros. Live Action

Hello there, beautiful people of the Internet. It is me, Triforce Films, and this is basically an update on both of my projects, that being the Luigi's Mansion project and the Super Smash Bros. Live Action project. Sorry, I am using talk-to-text on my phone. Not the best solution in the world, but not the worst solution in the world.

Basically, what I'm doing is, I am making a Tetris costume. Not trying to spoil the video or anything, but it's kind of a joke character. I have currently taped around a giant cardboard box, which should be able to fit the actor inside of it. The basic idea is that the cardboard box can have my friend inside of it, Radovan, and still be able to walk around. The back and the bottom of it is missing. There's a hole for the face, and I had to tape a bit of it on the top, so if the shape seems deformed in the video, that's why.

It's going to be filmed in my backyard with my cousin Jackson as Mario, and me as Luigi. I also play Luigi in the Luigi's Mansion video, which will probably come out on Halloween.

Past Blog Posts

Initial Project Announcement

We are excited to announce that we are working on two major projects: Luigi's Mansion and Super Smash Bros. in Real Life! Stay tuned for more updates.